Olpas in Europe

Welcome to the European website of Olpas.
Olpas measures suspended solids and various other parameters in fluids using our proprietary innovative ultrasound measurement technology.

Monitoring the Sludge Dewatering process

We provide sensors for a complete insight into (sludge) dewatering. We measure dry solids in sludge, residual polymer in centrate and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in centrate, and high solids concentrations (eg. in the dry cake) or in iron water.

Measuring Dry Solids in Iron Sludge

Iron sludge, also known as iron oxide sludge or ferric sludge, is a byproduct of drinking water production from water that contains iron.Olpas sensors can measure the Dry Solids concentration in Iron Sludge.

Iron Sludge

We are looking for partners in Europe

An Olpas sensor monitoring a sewer overflow

Monitoring TSS in sewer network and storm overflows

The extensive (bio)fouling resistance of Olpas sensors make them the best choice for use in remote open waters, combined sewer overflows (CSO) and sewer networks.

Sediment load monitoring in rivers and canals.

In environments such as canals or rivers, a single visit per season suffices for maintenance or battery replacement of our Sediment Load monitoring sensor. This exceptional durability and convenience establish Olpas sensors as the optimal and cost-effective solution.

Sediment Load monitoring in open water

Olpas is looking for partners in Europe

The past few years, we have shown that our innovative ultrasound measurement technology can make an important difference in several processes in water treatment, slude processing, water monitoring and chemical processes.
In order to speed up the deployment of our technology, we are currently looking for partners.

  • Distributors for our measurement solutions for Dewatering

  • Distributors for our sensors for Water Monitoring (in open rivers, sewers and overflows)

  • Co-development partners who want to expand ther portfolio with Olpas-sensors

  • OEM partners who want to incorporate Olpas technology into their solutions. We provide the sensor technology. You provide access to the market.


Considering to become a distributor for Olpas measurement solutions ?

While growing our customer base and product portfolio, we are opening opportunities for distributors in Europe in the markets Water, Dewatering and Water Monitoring.

OEM products are available for several applications.

You have deep knowledge of a specific field or problem and want to incorporate Olpas OEM products in your solution? Let's talk.

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Main website: www.olpas.tech
Copyright Olpas bv - BE 0773.553.125 - Turfkuilen 10, B-2200 Herentals, Belgium